Video Equipment ROV Cases

Remotely operated underwater vehicles are becoming increasingly more vital to our military.  As technology improves, ROVs can provide views and perspectives that aren’t achievable any other way.  While they protect themselves from water damage, it’s not the only kind of harm that can come to a ROV.  The sensitive video equipment inside a ROV must be protected at all costs, especially during transport.  That’s why it is so important to have cases that are specially designed to keep ROVs and their video equipment safe.  Packaging Strategies Incorporated ensures that our casing is 100% effective in protecting this equipment.  


Protect Your Investments

We understand that investing in ROVs involves careful thought and financial planning.  Don’t waste all that effort by obtaining a case that is flimsy and unreliable.  When it comes to things like shock damage, the ROV is particularly susceptible.  Delicate equipment and fragile components make it vulnerable.  You’ll want to protect this equipment at all costs, and the first step is with a solid, sturdy, reliable case.  Packaging Strategies Incorporated uses the most reputable brand names to create 3D modeled cases that are specific to your equipment.  


Components Kept Safe

The ROV is not the only thing you’ll want to keep safe–there’s also other precious electronics involved, including control and video equipment.  ROVs may have their own water protection, but these components do not, and it’s important to keep them dry and safe from harm.  With a waterproof, specially molded case, you can rest assured all of your electronics will be protected.

There’s also the matter of dust and dirt damage, which can get into precious electronic ports and circuitry to wreak havoc.  With the proper case, this won’t happen.  PSI manufactures cases that are waterproof, dust-proof, and shock-resistant in order to keep your equipment as protected as possible.


Work With the Best

If you want truly reliable cases, Packaging Strategies Incorporated is here for you.  We’ve been working within the industry for years, honing our manufacturing skills in order to perfect them.  PSI knows the ins and outs of what the Department of Defense requires, and is determined to ensure our customers are getting the best quality products for their ROV cases.  We meet military specifications with each of our products, and work with some of the most reliable manufacturers.

Do you want a solid case for your ROV and its equipment?  Contact us today with any questions you may have.  Our process, which includes 3D modeling, can create a product that is directly suited to your needs.  Our intense environmental tests allow us to see how our cases will fare in real life conditions.  Our mil-spec approved cases are perfect for protecting your ROV.  For more information on ROV cases, you can call us at 888-774-7557 or email us at [email protected].